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IowaWORKS is a site where job seekers can build a profile, look for employment, set up a job agent and much more.


ZipRecruiter is a free, leading online job search service with more than 16 million jobs, and has the #1 rated Job Search App for iPhone and Android. Powered by AI-driven smart matching technology, ZipRecruiter actively connects millions of all-sized businesses and job seekers through innovative mobile, web, and email services, as well as partnerships with the best job boards on the web.

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Get Career Help

brainfuse.pngBrainfuse is the online resource provider for career services, test prep, and software tutorials for Iowa public and academic libraries, formerly provided by Learning Express. From academic tutoring to career coaching, Brainfuse offers innovative services designed to meet patron needs. Users decide how they want to acquire a skill or grasp a concept, and Brainfuse gives them the tools to master it.

Iowa libraries have access to the Brainfuse suite of academic and career resources including:

  • JobNow: one-of-a-kind career assistance that covers all major aspects of job hunting.
  • Adult Learning Center: providing academic assistance designed for adult learners.
  • VetNow: supporting the community’s veterans and their families with locating eligible benefits, live online academic tutoring, employment transition assistance, and finding community resources.

The State Library provides Brainfuse at no cost to Iowa libraries through a state appropriation from Iowa Workforce Development.

Federal Government Job Information

This page explains the federal hiring process for different kinds of positions, including jobs in federal agencies, apprenticeships, and internships. A companion page,'s general find a job page, covers ways to plan a job search, write resumes and cover letters, interview strategies, and more.

If you've become unemployed through no fault of your own, or under certain eligibility requirements as outlined by state law, you qualify for unemployment benefits. This site covers those benefits and how to apply for them.